Speaking Coach for Business Women
Do you ever wish you were
a more effective speaker?
You can be!
for women who have something to say
Speaking Coaching for Business Women
Women are empowered, they are more successful, and the whole world benefits, when women speak with their authentic voices. I coach women to become confident, effective speakers, so that their ideas, opinions, and expertise are heard.
What about you? How much more successful would you be if you had excellent speaking skills and the confidence to go with them?
Does fear of speaking keep you from making the progress you could?
If you don’t speak up or if you do so timidly, people will not hear you. They won’t give your ideas the consideration they deserve, and they won’t appreciate how good you really are.
I can help you develop the speaking skills and build the confidence you need to become an effective speaker.
Do you want to become a better speaker, but you just don’t know how to do it?
Perhaps you meander through your message, or use three words where one will do. Or maybe you rush through your message, just to get it over with. You may notice that other people don’t seem attentive to what you’re saying.
I can help you convey your message clearly, and speak so that others are interested in what you have to say.
Do you have new responsibilities that involve more speaking?
Maybe your speaking skills have been adequate until recently, but you have a new job that requires you to speak more. Or maybe you’ve gone from being a manager (who reported to your boss) to a CEO (who wants to inspire her team). Your old skills may not be enough to meet the new demands.
I can help you accomplish what you set out to do and and to enjoy yourself more in the process.
Giving Voice is for women — like you! — who have something to say.
Whatever your reason for wanting excellent speaking skills and greater confidence, you have come to the right place.
I can help, and I promise: You will be more successful!